Tuesday, October 25, 2005

One Good Thing

We are nearing the end of Heil Hitler Month (that special time of year devoted to all sorts of programming about the Third Reich, the EVILS OF HITLER, The Men Who Surrounded Hitler, How America the Beautful Put this Bunch to Pasture and Liberated all the Concentration Camps (not!), and loads of money shots of his dead, burned, bullet-hole-in-the-head body (and that of poor, simple Eva Braun too)--this last is certainly shown to assure us all that not only is he very dead, he is surelyreallytruly dead.

As is ususal for me, I taped and viewed as much of this stuff as my dimestore TIVO could absorb, and finally, sated to the gills as any good fangrrrl could be at this time, I began to wonder: what new thing did I learn about the little man this time around?

Well, there were two things:
  1. if someone had just cared enough (or was fearless enough) to just keep the man on his medication, our bi-polar Hitler, just like Billy Chenowith, crying for his sweet Claire, would have been as meek as Mary's little lamb;
  2. and apparently the one good thing the world gained from this bad, bad, sick and deluded regime was the Volkswagon!
  3. (well, not #3, 'cause I said there were 2 things) some would count America's "capture" of the famed rocket scientist, Dr. Werner von Braun, (without whom the USofA would *never* have made one small step for Man...before the Russians!) as a good thing too--but then, that's a whole 'nother post!

Yes, folks (volks...), the familiar "Herbie the Love" bug is Hitler's (and the indefatigable Herr Porsche's) great gift to the free (and not so free) world.


Now, here are some folks on the other side of the ocean who clearly agree--


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi cookie, its me Trenace. This is my second visit to your blog and I would like to respond, however your thoughts require much thought and processing, all I can say now is "WOW" this is some deep stuff. Clearly not something I can read over in between answering calls and booking trips, like I do with my constant emails. I would like to have some time to really understyand your thoughts which is quite diverse. So, give me a moment, I plan to return to your blog daily and I see that there is several passages dating back to, I don't know, but oviously you have a lot on your mind..... I shall return

Wed Oct 26, 01:00:00 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

thank you, naviblu for dropping by! I'm glad you did and yeah, I guess there's a lot 'o stuff rattling around in the head. It's very good to have this vehicle to 'spress myself....

also please check out some of the links (including my new poetry link) on the sidebar, 'cause, baby, I'm not the only one...
sissun, 102605

Wed Oct 26, 10:14:00 PM  

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