Thursday, October 20, 2005

'ligion, and all that jazz

I've realized that my non-denominational church has fully embraced a doctrine of fundamentalism; I am much more moderate (at times) and sometimes more rigid (but different than the party line) and open to learning and understanding new things (which they are as well, but only if the new things come from the mouth and mind of our Senior pastor).

Our senior pastor believes God speaks to him; he says he alone amongst us has the "anointing", and most in this congregation have read and believe that we shall not "touch Gods's anointed." Although I think that many take that passage out of context (mostly pastors trying to protect their actions and authority to do whatever they want to do), also I believe God speaks to Bishop. But I also believe God speaks to and through many of us; God speaks to me; God sent me to this town, in this time. I believe that too--but is it too much to accept that it is *God* who chooses those who are *open* to hearing "the voice of God?" And those are placed all over this world: some in the same town, in the same parish, and yes, some in the same congregation? And just 'cause He's talking to you today, it doesn't preclude Him from speaking to JimmyJoe or Shanika tonight...

I have already experienced feeling outcast by my church and pastor; many may have similar thoughts or beliefs, but we have set up a construct where we are not free to express anything that might be perceived as speaking against or even questioning the teachings of "God's anointed."

Now, because God made me the way I am, and I still think and process information with this God-given brain, I *do* question things; I *do* need to speak out at times; and I *may* say some things that will not be well-received. I feel I shall soon be uncovered and labeled as some sort of gnostic rabble rouser and kicked out for some church-defined heresy. But I'll soldier on...'cause God told me to.


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