Friday, October 21, 2005

And some really still wonder why we're hated...

Torturing prisoners was 'stress relief'

Torture of Iraqis was for 'stress relief', say US soldiers

For the first time, American soldiers who personally tortured Iraqi prisoners have come forward to give testimony to human rights organisations about crimes they committed.

"To ‘fuck a PUC’ means to beat him up. We would give them blows to the head, chest, legs and stomach, pull them down, kick dirt on them. This happened every day. To ‘smoke’ someone is to put them in stress positions until they get muscle fatigue and pass out. That happened every day."

"Some days we would just get bored so we would have everyone sit in a corner and then make them get in a pyramid. We did that for amusement."

The 82nd Airborne soldiers at FOB Mercury earned the nickname “The Murderous Maniacs” from local Iraqis and took the moniker as a badge of honour.

And they're suprised at the treatment of captured Americans?

Soldiers and their commanders have been executed for this kind of behaviour in the past, but Amerika has excused itself from guilt for war crimes. What with being The New Master Race ('cept for all the black people) and all.

this is why I'm so loathe to read the newspaper...


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