Tuesday, November 08, 2005

stuff keeps happening

they say bad news comes in three's; I'm counting these as my three, so whoever's controlling the "bad" can stop now:

  1. learned that a former colleague has been hospitalized for the last 2 weeks and diagnosed with Legionnaire's Disease. Damn case for the investigators on tv as to how these bacteria are transmitted and find a home in a specific body.
  2. learned that the father of a current colleague died yesterday--he wasn't ill, so it comes as a great shock to his family: that's often the worst in terms of our ability to handle death.
  3. my boss was in a car accident this morning on his way to work (though he refuses to call it an "accident"; says it was a "wreck"); he was planning to take his shiny new car on a road trip to visit family and show off his "prize". now, it's just a "wreck". He says he's learned a thing or two about vanity and pride in possessions. Guess he'll be about storing his treasures in heaven now.


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