Tuesday, September 14, 2004

What a difference a day makes . . .

Tuesday 09142004

I've been searching for a couple of months for a particular recording of the song, "Changed" by Tramaine Hawkins--a favorite of mine from the 80's. For some reason, I needed to hear this song recently, but I couldn't find or download the song (though I have found copies, they just would come to me…) from any of the sources I tried. I'd given up searching for it, and just prayed it would come to me.

After mom went back to New York last night, I prayed again for guidance and infilling and music to minister to me when I couldn't read or speak or even think. I've worn a laser groove into the Israel and New Breed recording of "Here I am to Worship" over the last few days, including this morning before going to work. It includes lyrics evocative of my new understanding (and I mean that in the Rasta way--as in I don't yet have the fullness, but I am becoming aware) [especially since the women's encounter] of the blessing of being saved, the sacrifice of Christ, the significance of the cross, and the meaning of things I've taken for granted for 50 years.

This morning I walked out of my house to the words: "I'll never know how much it cost to see my sins up on that cross", and into Rhonda's car to the words: "He changed my life, and now I'm free….a wonderful change has come over me….". Yeah, just as God sent Rhonda Blackshear a few months ago to work at Winston-Salem State University in order to come and get me into St. Peter's (since I clearly wasn't taking advantage of all the subtle invitations that the SPWOC vans were sending me for almost 3 years), he sent her again this morning with her car radio playing exactly the song I was looking for and needed at this time! And as though I’d been slapped upside the head, I clearly saw another layer of the awesome nature of what's happening in my life revealed to me. And of course, I just sat there in the car, in gratitude, reverence and amazement, and cried crocodile tears….

Though the words to "Changed" were first sung to me and written in my heart over twenty years ago, I had no understanding of them until now. Before, they were just lovely lyrics set to beautiful, compelling music. Now, since the day I made that singular decision to accept Christ, they are the story of my life. This song is my testimony, simple and clear: a change has come over me: He changed my life, and now I'm free; a wonderful change has come over me--he washed away my sins and made me whole. Changed. *Changed*. Changed! I'm so glad he changed me.

God is so good…and worthy of all the praise!


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